HVAC Installation, Service and Maintenance - Gulf Shores, Alabama

Get Your HVAC Ready for Spring and Summer with Roberts AC

As the warmer months approach, it’s crucial to ensure your AC system is prepared, especially in regions like Gulf Shores, AL, where temperatures can rise significantly. Roberts AC is here to assist you in optimizing your system for the upcoming seasons, ensuring a cool and comfortable indoor environment. Here’s how we can help.

Breathe Fresh with Timely Filter Replacements

With spring comes an influx of pollen and allergens, underscoring the importance of having a clean air filter. Our technicians specialize in identifying and replacing clogged filters, ensuring top-notch indoor air quality and efficient system operation. Ready to enjoy fresh air this season? Call Roberts AC at 251-216-3438 to schedule a filter replacement.

Keep Cool with Effective Coil Cleaning

Maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature is vital during warmer months, and clean coils in your HVAC system are crucial. Our team at Roberts AC offers thorough coil cleaning services, improving your system’s efficiency and ensuring comfort throughout the summer, particularly important in Gulf Shores, AL’s heat. For peak cooling performance, reach out to us at 251-216-3438 or schedule your service online.

Prioritizing Safety and Efficiency

Ensuring your HVAC system is safe and efficient is our top priority as we head into the warmer seasons. Our comprehensive inspections and maintenance services are designed to provide you peace of mind and keep your system running smoothly, a necessity for facing the summer in Gulf Shores, AL. Trust in our expertise for a worry-free season; call 251-216-3438 to book your system check.

At Roberts AC, we’re dedicated to preparing your HVAC system for spring and summer, focusing on your comfort and system efficiency. With our specialized services, you can step into the warmer months confidently, knowing your system is optimized for the climate here in Gulf Shores. Don’t wait for the heat to arrive; call 251-216-3438 today to get your air conditioning system ready for the season! You can also click here to conveniently schedule service online.

The effects of saltwater corrosion on AC units in Gulf Shores Alabama- Roberts Air Conditioning

The Coastal Challenge: The Impact of Salt Water on Outdoor HVAC Units in Southern Alabama

Living in a charming coastal town like Gulf Shores, Alabama comes with its fair share of perks – stunning views, salty breezes, and the soothing sound of ocean waves. However, the coastal environment also poses unique challenges for your HVAC system, especially outdoor units. Here at Roberts Air Conditioning, we have years of experience working with the salty, humid Gulf Shores climate and the expertise to keep your system running smoothly! In today’s post, we’ll delve into the effects of salt water, ocean spray, and humidity on your outdoor HVAC units, and why regular tune-ups and maintenance are crucial to keep them performing optimally.

Understanding the Effects of Salt Water

The salty air that characterizes Gulf Shores is more than just a reminder of the nearby ocean; it’s a potential threat to your HVAC system. Salt water contains corrosive elements that can accelerate the deterioration of metal components in outdoor units. Over time, this corrosion can lead to reduced efficiency, increased energy consumption, and ultimately, system failure.

Learn More About Coastal HVAC Care: Explore our comprehensive HVAC maintenance services designed to combat the challenges of Gulf Shores’ coastal climate. Click here for more information.

The Silent Impact of Ocean Spray

While the soothing mist of ocean spray might be refreshing on a warm day, it can have adverse effects on your HVAC system. The tiny salt particles carried by ocean spray can settle on your unit, contributing to the corrosive process. Regular cleaning and inspections can help mitigate this impact and extend the lifespan of your outdoor HVAC unit.

Humidity’s Hand in Corrosion

Gulf Shores’ high humidity levels only amplify the challenges posed by salt water. Humidity creates an environment where corrosion thrives, making it imperative to take proactive measures to protect your HVAC investment.

Contact Us for Expert Advice: Have questions about protecting your HVAC system in a coastal environment? Contact Roberts Air Conditioning for expert advice and personalized solutions. Call (251) 288-5125 now or click here to schedule an appointment online.

Why Regular Tune-Ups are Essential

Routine maintenance is your first line of defense against the corrosive effects of salt water and humidity. Our team at Roberts Air Conditioning recommends scheduling regular tune-ups to inspect and clean your outdoor HVAC unit. This not only helps prevent corrosion but also ensures that your system operates efficiently, saving you money on energy bills.

Protect Your HVAC Investment

Safeguarding your outdoor HVAC unit from the corrosive effects of salt water and humidity is not only wise but essential for long-term performance. Don’t wait until your system shows signs of wear and tear – take proactive steps today to ensure your HVAC investment stands strong against the coastal challenge.

Schedule Your Tune-Up Today: Ensure the longevity of your outdoor HVAC unit by scheduling a professional tune-up with Roberts Air Conditioning. Call us at (251) 288-5125 or click here to schedule an appointment online.

Weathering the Storm: Preparing Your HVAC System for Hurricane Idalia

When hurricanes and tropical storms approach Gulf Shores and the nearby areas, ensuring the safety and well-being of your family and home becomes paramount. While we can’t control the weather, we can certainly take steps to protect our homes, and that includes your HVAC system. At Roberts AC, we understand the importance of a comfortable and secure indoor environment during challenging times. Today, we’ll provide you with a few valuable tips on how to prep your home’s HVAC system for tropical storms, hurricanes, and other coastal severe weather events.

Prepare your Gulf Shores home's HVAC system as Hurricane Idalia approaches - From Roberts AC
  1. Clear the Area Around Your Outdoor Unit:
    Start by checking the area around your outdoor HVAC unit. Trim any loose branches, clear away debris, and secure any outdoor furniture or objects that could become projectiles in strong winds. A clutter-free space around your unit reduces the risk of damage.
  2. Protect Your Outdoor Unit:
    While our HVAC systems are built to withstand the elements, a little extra protection can go a long way. If you have time, consider placing a tarp or cover over the outdoor unit. However, ensure that it’s securely fastened to prevent it from becoming a hazard in high winds.
  3. Raise Your HVAC Equipment Above Potential Flood Levels:
    Flooding can be a concern during tropical storms or hurricanes. If your HVAC equipment is located in a basement or on a lower level, raising it above potential flood levels can prevent water damage. Placing equipment on elevated platforms can offer an extra layer of protection.
  4. Adjust Your Thermostat:
    In the lead-up to the storm, adjust your thermostat settings to maintain a slightly cooler indoor temperature. This way, if you experience a power outage, your home will take longer to heat up. Additionally, turning off your HVAC system before the storm hits can prevent potential damage from power fluctuations.
  5. Turn Off the Gas Supply:
    If your HVAC system relies on natural gas, consider turning off the gas supply before the storm arrives. This minimizes the risk of gas leaks and potential hazards.
  6. Document Your HVAC System:
    Before the storm, take photos of your HVAC system and its components. In the unfortunate event of damage, these images can be helpful for insurance claims or repair assessments.
  7. After the Storm: Prioritize Safety:
    Once the storm has passed, exercise caution when inspecting your HVAC system. If you notice any visible damage or suspect a problem, don’t attempt repairs on your own. Reach out to professionals such as Roberts AC to assess and address any issues.

At Roberts AC, we understand the challenges that come with weathering a tropical storm or hurricane. Our community’s safety and comfort are our top priorities. Remember, you’re not alone during these times. We’re here to help you navigate any HVAC-related concerns that may arise. If you need assistance inspecting, repairing, or maintaining your HVAC system post-storm, feel free to reach out to us. Let’s weather the storm together, and emerge stronger on the other side.

Stay safe and prepared!